28 January 2015

The deployment pattern for setting up services in a cloud environment I’m going to follow has somewhat changed over the past weeks. The reason is mainly container based application deployments. This appears for AWS as well as for (more or less static) data centers that provides you with bare VM resources which can be created and destroyed up on demand. A few month ago software deployments have done entirely with tools like Chef or Ansible to provision a whole machine with everything thats needed to run a specific application. Software containers (and namely Docker) has changed that quite a bit.

Setting up Docker host machines as easy and flexible as possible is the name of the game. The easiest approach for that is: running one container per node. Of cause this is not the most efficient way to use VM resources but the best in terms of simplicity. Surely a lot of container orchestration solutions appeared in 2014 but they all bring more complexity to your data-center. In short I did’t fall in love so far.

Let us have a look on some basic concepts how to run container based deployments on virtual machines inside cooperate data-center and on AWS EC2 instances.

Basic tasks

Here comes our check list including the major tasks that needs to be done to setup a Docker host:

  • Store public SSH keys for administrators. Disable root login. Set the correct timezone etc.
  • Update the system, enable yum or apt repositories to install further applications.
  • Install basic tools like curl, tmux, nmap, awscli or what ever else you need in order to check your system is running as expected.
  • Install docker and add a user to the docker group.
  • Install monitoring tools and agents like Datadog or NewRelic.
  • At the end of this chain you want to install you container and start them under supervision.

Deploy your stuff

Following the list above you have a couple of options depending on the toolchain and infrastructure you have at hand. An obvious choice to do this is putting everything in an Ansible playbook or Chef cookbook and run it on VM creation. Done! This works perfectly fine on your cooperate data-center but has one disadvantage: it takes quite some time and needs to be done on every VM creation. Looking at the list again some of the tasks can be done beforehand by moving them to a VM base image (e.g. VMware image or AWS AMI).

Base image creation

I found Packer being an fantastic tool for building all kind of images. It supports all kind of provisioning tools so that you can use your cookbooks and playbook with it. Even difficult tasks like the installation of a Nvidia graphic driver which depends on system reboots in the middle of it are supported. Here is an example snippet to install the graphic driver on RHEL7 for a g2.2xlarge EC2 instance on AWS:

  "variables": {
    "aws_access_key": "",
    "aws_secret_key": ""
  "builders": [{
    "type": "amazon-ebs",
    "access_key": "",
    "secret_key": "",
    "region": "eu-west-1",
    "source_ami": "ami-8cff51fb",
    "instance_type": "g2.2xlarge",
    "ssh_username": "ec2-user",
    "ssh_timeout" : "15m",
    "ami_name": "nvidiaserver-rhel7 "
  "provisioners": [
      "type": "shell",
      "scripts": [ 
      "type": "shell",
      "inline": [
        "echo 'rebooting the system'",
        "sudo /usr/sbin/reboot",
        "sleep 60"
      "type": "shell",
      "script": "scripts/install-nvidia-driver.sh"

Starting from a base image, that has all the tools you need installed and running an OS update procedure on VM startup, can speed up things dramatically. For automatic instance up- and downscaling things needs to be fast. If OS updates take to long in this context, the base images can be build on a regular base as part of your CI lifecycle.

Handling dynamic instance data

Truly not everything can be handled within base image. There is a need for OS system updates and container deployment at the initial instance launch. Generally Ansible and friends can help here as long as this procedure is kept as short as possible - but there are alternatives.

For AWS EC2 instances (and a bunch of others including OpenStack, vSphere and even Vagrant) dynamic configuration can be done with user data based on cloudinit. Using it gives you the opportunity to set some last bits on a freshly launched VM.

A lot of things can be told about it but what I found most important is how to test cloud-init user data without firing an instance a dozen times before your code works as expected. Testing can be done on a running instance by creating a seed directory for the NoCloudNet datasource, putting the user data in there and restarting the cloud-init service:

$ mkdir /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/
$ cat /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/meta-data
ami-id: ami-4be0633c
local-hostname: ip-172-31-10-159.eu-west-1.compute.internal

$ cat /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net/user-data

 - [ sh, -c, 'echo ==== $(date) ====; echo HI WORLD; echo =======' ]

$ # remove the data from /var/lib/cloud/instance/ to mimic a freshly created instance
$ rm -rf /var/lib/cloud/instance/*
$ # restart the cloud-init service 
$ sudo systemctl restart cloud-init
$ # check the logs
$ sudo journalctl -u cloud-init
$ less /var/log/cloud-init.log

BTW: CoreOS machine customization is heavily using the same mechanism. Even more interesting the guys reimplemented the cloudinit specification (originally in Python) in Golang. The project is available on Github: coreos-cloudinit.

Starting Docker containers

The last piece in the puzzle. Again nearly all configuration management software toolchains support Docker container deployments out of the box now. However this being the most volatile part of the provisioning we always want to have the latest version of the container available. Moreover preferably we want to update the containers without destroying the whole instance.

Using systemd unit files to pull and run containers is a very interesting approach. On the CoreOS how-to pages some examples can be found. Here is a snippet:


ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker kill nginx
ExecStartPre=-/usr/bin/docker rm nginx
ExecStartPre=/usr/bin/docker pull nginx
ExecStart=/usr/bin/docker run --name nginx -p 443:443 nginx


With this unit file, installed on /etc/systemd/system/nginx.service and enabled, Docker will download the missing Nginx image from the configured Docker registry and run it on system startup. Via the user data mechanism described above you can easily control which container should be started on which host. Additional unit files can handle container updates and image housekeeping (e.g. controlled via system reboot or SSH interaction etc.).

Docker registries authentication can be handled with the help of .dockercfg and the User= option of systemd.

Using this quite a while makes you maybe halting. Things sometimes do not work as expected. Container does not restarting or getting removed properly on termination etc. Systemd does not actually supervise the Docker container you are starting in the unit file but instead the Docker client. This makes systemd incapable of reliably managing Docker containers. Luckily there is a quite neat workaround for that: systemd-docker. Please check the Github page to get more background information about the problem. Using this wrapper your unit file looks a bit different though:


# put your environment options in a file 
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/systemd-docker --cgroups name=all --env run -it --rm --name %n  -p 443:443 mycontainer


I think for the time being this little tool improves the way Docker containers and systemd collaborate. There are other container implementations rising so it’s going to be an interesting year 2015.

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